Make Money Online FREELANCING Conversational Onboarding | Web Design Clients | Freelancing Clients | David Somerfleck | DMS.BLUE

Conversational Onboarding | Web Design Clients | Freelancing Clients | David Somerfleck | DMS.BLUE

Conversational Onboarding | Web Design Clients | Freelancing Clients | David Somerfleck | DMS.BLUE post thumbnail image

Conversational Onboarding

Onboarding a new client can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of a conversational onboarding process, you can make the process easier and more efficient for both you and your client.

Conversational onboarding is a process that uses a series of conversations to help new clients get up to speed on your services and what to expect from you. It can be used for both web design clients and freelancing clients.

The first conversation is all about getting to know your client and their needs. This is where you learn about their business, their goals, and their current website. You also discuss the project in detail, including the scope of the project, the timeline, and the budget.

The second conversation is all about setting expectations. This is where you discuss the client’s expectations and make sure they are realistic. You also discuss the project timeline and how you will be communicating with the client.

The third conversation is all about getting started. This is where you discuss the project plan and the client’s role in the project. You also give the client a project overview and introduce them to your team.

The fourth conversation is all about getting feedback. This is where you ask the client for feedback on the project so far and get their approval on the project plan. You also discuss the next steps in the project.

Conversational onboarding makes the process of onboarding new clients easier and more efficient. It helps you get to know your clients and their needs, set realistic expectations, and get started on the project. It also helps the client understand the project and what to expect from you.

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