Make Money Online AFFILIATE MARKETING Clickbank Affiliate Marketing SECRET Method For Beginners!

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing SECRET Method For Beginners!

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing SECRET Method For Beginners! post thumbnail image

You want to make money online as an affiliate marketer. You’ve heard of Clickbank and you’re pretty sure it’s a reputable company. But you’re not quite sure how to get started.

Here’s the deal: Clickbank is an affiliate network, which means they provide a platform for affiliates to find products to promote and earn commissions on sales.

As an affiliate, your job is to find a product that you can promote and make sales. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product, you earn a commission.

It’s really that simple.

But there’s a secret to being successful as a Clickbank affiliate…and that secret is traffic.

You see, no matter how great of a product you’re promoting, if you don’t have traffic, you’re not going to make any sales. And without sales, you’re not going to make any money.

So how do you get traffic?

There are many ways to get traffic, but the best way is through SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that it will rank higher in the search engines for certain keywords.

For example, let’s say you’re promoting a product about weight loss. If you optimize your website for the keyword “weight loss,” your website will come up when people search for that term in Google (or other search engines). And if people click on your website and buy the product, you’ll earn a commission.

Moz has an excellent guide on how to do SEO if you need help getting started). Once you have traffic coming to your website, it’s time to start promoting Clickbank products. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this… The Wrong Way To Promote Clickbank Products If you’ve been around internet marketing for any length of time, you’ve probably seen people promoting Clickbank products using what’s called a “bridge” or “landing” page. This is where someone creates a short page (usually just one or two pages), with some sort of bait on it (“Lose 10 pounds in one week!”), and then they try to get people to sign up for their email list so they can sell them other products later on down the road. This might work if you have a huge email list already built up (and we’ll talk more about that in a minute), but if you don’t, it’s just going to waste your time and money…and it won’t do anything for your long-term business. So what’s the right way to promote Clickbank products? The answer is simple: by creating informative content that provides value to your readers and drives them towards taking action (i.e., buying something). For example, let’s say you have a blog about dog training. You could write an article like “5 Tips For Training Your Dog” and then at the end of the article, include an affiliate link for a dog training book on Amazon. If someone reads your article and finds it helpful, they may be more likely to click on your affiliate link and buy the book…which means you’ll earn a commission! But even if they don’t buy the book, they may still remember your blog next time they need dog training advice…which means they may come back later and purchase something else from you (or even sign up for your email list!). This is how you want to approach promoting Clickbank products: provide value first, and then let people know about products that can help them even further down the road. So how do you actually go about finding good products to promote? How To Find Good Products To Promote On Clickbank We’ve already talked about why landing pages are generally not effective for promoting Clickbank products (unless you already have a huge email list). So what should you look for when choosing something to promote? Here are some things to consider: 1) The Product Should Be Relevant To Your Niche As we talked about before with our example of the dog training blog, it’s important that the product be relevant t oyour niche . If people come

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