Make Money Online KEYWORDS Choosing the Best Keywords

Choosing the Best Keywords

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The “Key” To Money-Maker “Words”

Keyword articles are being used by billions of companies in order to get free exposure on the internet. There is tremendous benefit to using these articles to have internet users visit your website. Internet users around the world are searching for information by typing in specific words into a search engine. Keywords are the way in which they find your website so it is very important that you use this kind of article to attract internet users. If you do not use keywords your competition will and your internet user will be directed to their website not yours.

Writing keyword articles is pretty much like writing any other article the difference is you insert the words that internet users are seeking so they will visit your website to get their information. If you have never written a keyword article before, do some research to learn what this writing is about. Look for keyword information sites like Google keywords and find out what it is. Read keyword articles so that you can see how the words are used.

Select the subject that you want to write about and write your article. Do not worry about placing keywords in your article when you write the first draft. If you are familiar with your topic these words will likely be inserted into your article naturally. After you finish your draft article check it for keywords and see if there are words that you used that could be easily replaced by them..

When you are preparing to select your keywords choose those that you believe a searcher might key into the search box. Just imagine what someone doing a search of a topic on the web might be seeking. Write down a list of words that you usually use in your business and select some to insert into your article. Keywords can be more than one single word; ClickBank Pirate, ClickBank autopilot ClickBank affiliate,..etc. are examples.

Try to select keywords that are specific rather than general. This separates you from the thousands of sites that address a general topic such as Search Engine Optimization. Instead you would want to use, SEO how to become #1. You also want to find out which keywords are the most searched and insert them into your articles. You find this out by visiting the Overture Keyword Selector Tool a free website.

So you have finished your draft and inserted keywords where ever possible and the article flows very well, proofread your article in order to correct any mistakes. Check for grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and repeated words. Your article should be informative but not dull and boring. You should have lots of keywords in your article.

Write your final draft and then create a powerful keyword headline. This should be easy to do now that you know your subject and what are the most popularly searched keywords. Keyword article headlines get right to the point and use those popular keywords in the first three or four words.

Click on to this link to get your free copy of Keyword elite 2 which is your guide to keyword article writing.

Copyright 2009 Harvey J. Williams All rights reserved


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