Make Money Online KEYWORDS Choosing Keywords

Choosing Keywords

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for Your Project

Anyone who has embarked on a digital marketing project knows how important it is to choose the right keywords. The right keywords can mean the difference between success and failure, so it’s vital that you take the time to select them carefully. Here are some tips for choosing keywords for your project:

1. Make a list of all the words and phrases that are relevant to your project.

Don’t try to second-guess what people will search for – just make a comprehensive list of all the terms you can think of that relate to your project. This will be your starting point for selecting the right keywords.

2. Research which keywords are most popular.

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, it’s time to research which ones are most popular with searchers. There are a number of tools you can use for this, including Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Wordtracker. Look at the search volume for each keyword and make a note of the ones that get the most searches.

3. Identify which keywords are most relevant to your project.

Just because a keyword is popular doesn’t mean it’s necessarily relevant to your project. You need to consider both relevance and popularity when selecting keywords. Use your common sense and instincts to identify which keywords are most relevant to your project, and make sure these appear on your list.

4. Select a mix of high- and low-volume keywords.

It’s important to include both high-volume and low-volume keywords in your selection. High-volume keywords are the ones that get the most searches, so they’re obviously important, but they can be very competitive, making it difficult to rank well for them. Low-volume keywords may not get as many searches, but they can be easier to rank for and can still bring traffic to your site. It’s a good idea to have a mix of both high- and low-volume keywords in your selection.

5 . Consider using long-tail keywords .

Long-tail keywords are phrases that are more specific than general terms . For example , “digital marketing” is a general term , while “digital marketing services for small businesses” is a long – tail keyword . Long – tail keywords tend to be less competitive than general terms , making them easier to rank for , so they’re definitely worth considering .

6 Prioritize easy – medium difficulty competition vs high competition levels : In some cases going after high competition level phrases may not be worth it if you ’ re just starting out or don ’ t have much authority / backlinks . A good rule of thumb is go after phrases where you have at least a chance of ranking on page 2 – 3 of Google vs not ranking at all

7 Make sure you can measure success : Can you track how many visitors come from each keyword ? If not , then how will you know if targeting that keyword was successful or not ? Make sure you have some way of measuring whether or not each keyword is bringing visitors ( and ideally customers ) to your site before including it in your selection .

8 Brainstorm other ways people might find / search for what you offer : Sometimes people search in different ways than just using traditional keyword research tools . For example , if someone was looking for “ digital marketing help ” they might also search “ digital marketing agency near me ” or “ best digital marketing company ” . Keep this in mind when brainstorming words people might use when searching for what you offer

9 Pay attention to related searches : After someone types in a initial search query Google also shows related searches below the initial results ( called “ People Also Ask ” on desktop ) or at the bottom of mobile results ( called “ Searches related to…” ). Check out these related searches as they can give you more ideas about other potential keyword targets

10 Localize if needed : If what you offer is only available in certain geographic areas make sure to include those locations in some form within target phrases . For example , someone offering pet sitting services only in New York City would want pet sitting NYC included as one their target phrases

11 Keep an eye out for new trends : The world changes fast , so make sure you keep an eye out for new trends that could impact which words / phrases people are searching with . As new technologies / platforms / companies emerge they create new terminology which could become popular search queries

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