A buyer persona is a portrayal of your ideal customer, based on market research and real data about your current customers. When creating a buyer persona, you will define the characteristics, needs, motivations and behavior patterns of your ideal target customer.
Why should you create a buyer persona?
Having a defined buyer persona will help you better understand your customers (and potential customers), so that you can create targeted content and campaigns that speak to their specific needs. Additionally, developing a buyer persona will help you to focus your marketing efforts, resulting in a higher ROI.
How do you create a buyer persona?
To start creating your buyer persona(s), you will need to gather data about your current customers ( through surveys, interviews, etc.). Once you have this information, you can begin to identify trends and commonalities among your customer base. From there, you can start to build out your buyer persona by creating a profile that includes information such as:
Demographics: Age, gender, location, job title, etc.
Goals: What are they looking to achieve?
Challenges: What are their pain points?
How do they prefer to consume information?: Do they prefer reading blog posts or watching videos? Do they prefer short-form or long-form content?
Once you have fleshed out your buyer persona (or personas), you can then begin creating targeted content and campaigns that speak directly to their needs and interests. Additionally, having well-defined buyer personas will help you better measure the success of your marketing efforts.