Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES Building a Website in Brackets Part3

Building a Website in Brackets Part3

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In the final installment of our website-building series, we’ll show you how to add some finishing touches to your site. This includes adding a custom header and footer, as well as some basic styling.

Adding a Custom Header and Footer

To add a custom header and footer to your website, first open the header.html and footer.html files in Brackets. These files contain the HTML code for your header and footer, respectively.

Next, add your own HTML code to these files. For example, if you want to add a logo to your header, add the following code to the header.html file:

If you want to add a custom footer to your website, add the following code to the footer.html file:

Copyright © 2017 Your Company

Once you’ve added your own HTML code to these files, save them and refresh your website in your browser. You should now see your custom header and footer in place.

Basic Styling

If you want to add some basic styling to your website, you can do so by adding CSS code to the style.css file. For example, if you want to change the font color of your website, add the following code to the style.css file:

body {

font-color: black;


Once you’ve added your CSS code, save the style.css file and refresh your website in your browser. You should now see the changes in effect.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add a custom header and footer to your website, as well as how to add some basic styling. We hope you’ve found this series helpful and that you’re now ready to create your own website.

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