Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION Blogging Traffic – 5 Strategies to Attract Blog Visitors

Blogging Traffic – 5 Strategies to Attract Blog Visitors

Blogging Traffic – 5 Strategies to Attract Blog Visitors post thumbnail image

The key to building and maintaining substantial traffic to your blog is to find the strategy or strategies that work best for your niche by testing them. Once you know what works do it frequently and consistently.

5 Strategies to attract blog traffic and visitors

1. Write and publish articles

The top article directories receive millions of visitors a day and get indexed by the search engines almost immediately. If you write and submit articles consistently to these directories you will build an ongoing stream of visitors to your blog. This happens because newsletter publishers constantly visit article directories to find fresh content. You can also increase the rankings of you blog or article by including a link to it at the end of your article.

2. Guest blogging

Blog owners are constantly looking for new content. It’s difficult to always come up with a new topic and content that will interest readers. A guest blogger adds a fresh perspective to a blog plus you can include a link to your own blog at the end of the blog post. If the blog is a popular one you’ll receive lots of new traffic. Make sure the content you offer is unique (not published elsewhere) and well written.

3. Submit to search engine directories

Besides submitting your blog to blog and rss directories submit your blog to free and paid search engine directories.

4. Give away a free report or ebook

People love to receive free information particularly if it contains valuable information that you could easily charge for. Create a report  of 10-20 pages then offer it to your newsletter subscribers, joint venture partners, forums, blogs, eBook directories and resource box of your articles, etc. Include links to your blog (product or newsletter) throughout the report to generate traffic to it.

5. Write a press release

Your press release should contain content that is newsworthy such as a story about your product and what it will do for the customer. Select one of your blog posts that is newsworthy, expand upon it then convert it into a press release.

The success of these traffic generating methods will vary for each person. Select the method that works best for you then use it on a consistent basis. Monitor your blog statistics to view the increase in visits each month. Observe where they are coming from and what keywords they are using to find your blog.

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