Make Money Online SEO Between Domain Names and Search Engine Optimization

Between Domain Names and Search Engine Optimization

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Choosing the domain name is not neutral: At least two lead actors from the web are reagents compared to this choice: the Internet user and the search engine.

The Internet user: he requires a domain name which he will remember easily or that he will be able to find easily.

Spelling: For an original domain name, it is best to avoid a heavy syntax, and a little obvious spelling.

Length: Short name in numbers of letters or numbers of syllables are easier to remember than long names, although the domain name in the form of expression is an interesting solution for the Internet user.

A website is determined by its URL. For example, a website hosted by a free service is usually an address like this: / you

This type of address is quite difficult to remember, an address such as the following is preferable:

The search engine: the domain name here must have meaning. Previously keywords were key elements which have meaning and relevance to the search engine optimization, we can say that with the advent of Google, the meaning has become certain and became visible to the Internet user. Thus, don’t spend energy or time to fill your meta tags keyword by tons of keywords, treat preferably the choice of your domain name, and hence your choice of sub-domains names, and therefore directories.

Finally, the question: how many keywords should be in the URL because there is surely a limit? Think about the Internet user, the URL should be easy to remember, and when it appears in a result page of a search engine, it must be readable.

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