Make Money Online SOLO ADS BEST SOLO AD Alternatives For Affiliate Marketers – ADVERTISE To BUYERS – Email 200,000 Prospects

BEST SOLO AD Alternatives For Affiliate Marketers – ADVERTISE To BUYERS – Email 200,000 Prospects

BEST SOLO AD Alternatives For Affiliate Marketers – ADVERTISE To BUYERS – Email 200,000 Prospects post thumbnail image

Best Solo Ad Alternatives For Affiliate Marketers.
Herculist $5 Sign Up Bonus here —-}
Join My Lead Gen Secret here —-}

In this video I share with you 2 great solo ad alternatives that include buyers & are an affordable alternative if you are a regular solo ad buyer.

The Herculist advertising platform & safelist is a branded safelist that promotes your offer to its members. It operates in the same way as a solo ad would but there are key differences to this type of email list.

What Is A Safelist?
A safelist is an email list where you can email other members of the safelist. It is an online database of people, usually internet marketers, who have given permission to the owner of the safelist, that they may receive offers to their email on a daily basis.

The offers include any type of offer for the sale of a product or service but most safelists offer business opportunities or internet marketing offers to help people make money online.

How a safelist works, is the owner of the safelist will create a list of its members. In the case of the Herculist safelist, this list makes up over 156,000 members.

If any new person decides to join Herculist to receive their emails, then that
number will go up.

My Lead Gen Secret is a very popular lead generation system by Jim Harmon. The system gives you 100 to 200 leads every day for only $1 a day ($30 monthly payment) on complete autopilot. It also integrates a free built-in email system inside where you can email your prospects every 23 hours.

You can double your leads to 200 a day by referring at least one other person. When you first start you have to pay for the entire first month upfront plus a setup fee of $30. That means it’s going to cost you $60 dollars to get started and $30 a month after your first month. You can cancel at any time.

My Lead Gen Secret Compensation Plan

The MLGS Compensation plan gives you unlimited earning potential. Earn commission by selling MLGS memberships and master swipes to customers. The MLGS Compensation plan allows Affiliates to achieve the highest levels of payment, FAST!

Earn Money as an Affiliate:
You receive $5/month on personal membership sales to customers who purchase directly from your affiliate link (Level 1)

You receive $4/month on your personally sponsored Affiliate’s membership sales (Level 2), $3/month on the membership sales of the people they personally sponsor (Level 3), $2/month on levels 4 and $1/month on level 5.

Level 1: $5/month
Level 2: $4/month
Level 3: $3/month
Level 4: $2/month
Level 5: $1/month

One time commissions are paid out on master swipe purchases at $5, $4, $3, $2, $1 (5 levels deep) on $29.95 pricing and $10, $8, $6, $4 & $2 (5 levels deep) on $59.95 pricing.

NOTE: Commission will be accumulated until they reach a gross amount of $30, at which time they will be paid on upon request. Commissions will be paid out via PayPal, Check or Bitcoin.

This video is for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors.

Thanks for watching my video, please subscribe
Barry Cross,
Affiliate & Network Marketing Coach.

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