Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT Beginner HTML tutorial # 1 – Free HTML editor ( Introduction to Netbeans 7 )

Beginner HTML tutorial # 1 – Free HTML editor ( Introduction to Netbeans 7 )

Beginner HTML tutorial # 1 – Free HTML editor ( Introduction to Netbeans 7 ) post thumbnail image


HTML is the markup language of the web. If you want to build a website, you need to know HTML. It’s that simple.

HTML is not a programming language, it’s a markup language. A markup language is a set of markup tags. HTML uses tags like and to structure content.

The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and display them. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to interpret the content of the page:

In this tutorial we will use Netbeans 7 as our HTML editor. Netbeans is free and easy to download and install.

If you don’t have Netbeans installed on your computer, you can get it from the link below:

Once you have Netbeans installed, open it up and let’s get started!

Creating your first HTML document

To create a new HTML document in Netbeans, go to File > New File… In the New File dialog box, select “HTML” from under the “Web” category:

This will bring up the HTML template in Netbeans:

The template consists of two parts:

The declaration defines this document to be HTML5
The element is the root element of an HTML page

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