Make Money Online AUTOMATION Automated GUI Testing – Challenges and Technologies

Automated GUI Testing – Challenges and Technologies

To test software, it is essential to create test cases that cover all the functionalities and features of the software. In today’s day and age automated testing is the key to test software at any and all levels. Testing the graphical interface of the software from usability to functionality becomes essential to the success of the software. GUI Testing is a must to testing applications, websites and controls in any language.

Challenges to GUI Testing:

  • A highly sophisticated GUI testing tool is required that enables high level of GUI automation testing.
  • The technology has to be cost effective to deal with sequencing of complex GUI events.

Technologies available for GUI Testing:
Various technologies are available for GUI testing. The key is to find a software that best suits your needs and encompasses more than one technology to deal with complex GUI sequences and testing.

  • Record X,Y coordinates: This is the simplest technology of all where you just record the sequence of GUI events to test and Run it.
  • GUI Object Automation: This technology records GUI events at object level. It retrieves data of any object like buttons, drop-down menus, check boxes, radio buttons, etc.
  • Image Recognition: As with most applications and many websites images are an integral part of the navigation. Image recognition simulates the human eye and allows for a percentage match of the image or sequence of image based GUI events.
  • rong>OCR and legacy Application Integration: OCR and legacy Application Integration technologies make it very easy to test applications not only that do not expose objects but also with remote desktops.

Most of the automated testing software available in the market has some of the above technologies incorporated in their arsenal. The only software to have all four GUI technologies under one umbrella is Testing Anywhere. Not only that, cost-wise too it is substantially lower than all the big names in automated GUI testing.

More information on Testing Anywhere’s automated GUI testing. Download free trial of Testing Anywhere.

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