Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION Article Writing – Keep Writing For Massive Traffic

Article Writing – Keep Writing For Massive Traffic

Article Writing – Keep Writing For Massive Traffic post thumbnail image

One of the best ways to succeed online with your internet business is to write articles on a regular basis. By writing and submitting articles, you can achieve massive traffic to your website.

When I first started my traffic generation exercises, I tried several different methods of generating traffic, but what I found was that with the article marketing traffic, the quality of visitors was profoundly better.

Here is a list of some of the things that I tried and, as far as I’m concerned, did not come up to scratch with article marketing and traffic generation:

1 – Expired domain traffic, exit traffic and pop-up traffic;

2 – I advertised my site using classified ads, pay-per-click traffic and other advertising methods.

3 – I generated exchange links with other web owners, and I placed my signature at the bottom of e-mails that I inserted on discussion boards.

And because I kept records of the different sources I used, I soon began to realize that the best traffic was coming from articles that I wrote.

Don’t get me wrong. I did achieve massive traffic levels, but the quality of visitors varied humongously. I also found that the subscribers who originated from the articles I wrote would register onto my list and were more responsive to my products.

And so after a little more testing, it was proven that article marketing was the best source of traffic for generating subscribers. If you are genuinely interested in driving massive traffic to your website, I would suggest that you test out article marketing for at least three months.

Create a plan whereby you draft at least five articles every single day, and you submit them every single day to the various article directories. I am sure that you will be tremendously surprised at the end of 12 weeks when you learn that article marketing is indeed the best method to drive massive traffic to your website.

Test article marketing for at least twelve weeks before your decide its not for you.

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