Make Money Online VIDEO MARKETING Article Marketing Versus Video Marketing

Article Marketing Versus Video Marketing

Article Marketing Versus Video Marketing post thumbnail image

Which do you think is better in terms of traffic and ease of use? The 1-minute informative article on video marketing.

Why do you think more than 60% of the world’s population gets bored when it comes to a lecturer facing the black/white/green board as compared to the 99% who grins at the big screen with popcorn, chocolate and a massive cup of coke coming in handy? The answer is simple: most humans think in pictures and images. The one-plus-one-equals-two would stick faster and better in my brain when viewed as mum giving me a dollar bill to accompany the other dollar in my pocket just so I can get a $2 pack of peanuts m&m.

Which would you reckon to be the better teacher: the classroom or the cinemas? I will say both, but I prefer the cinemas and my movies. The cinemas did not teach me E=mc2  (an energy equation that has unknowingly made life easier for us all, and science miserable for me), neither did the classroom teach me wussy + plain boring = not-getting-that-hot-damsel!

See? Write the texts, write the articles, but pass the message across better with a visual appeal. The videos go a longer way in getting more traffic and the message across than the texts do.

I have created several pictures in your mind, haven’t I? While writing the articles, creating contents and putting up the letters to set up your sites and blogs, don’t forget the videos. A picture is better than a thousand words.

To your success.

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