Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT Are Technical Challenges Keeping You From Success?

Are Technical Challenges Keeping You From Success?

Are Technical Challenges Keeping You From Success? post thumbnail image

The biggest challenge for most beginning internet marketers is overcoming the confusing and numerous new methods and techniques that must be mastered in order to build a functioning website. Understanding new concepts such as HTML code, URL designations, FTP procedures, MSQL and PHP databases and many more keep the newbie from profiting from the tremendous opportunities of the internet.

Even if he (or she) is able to somehow get a simple website built and uploaded onto the net, a new set of problems arise. How to capture prospect names, set up an auto-responder, get listed in search engines, create traffic, then test and track that traffic. Just a bewildering array of confusing new technologies to try to learn and use effectively.

Many newbies fall prey to deceptively worded advertisements that promise an instant functioning website including products to sell. Most of these only offer the opportunity to get others to buy the same deal, thus creating more competition for yourself. Even if it offers an actual product, the product is usually of low quality and already commonly available from other suppliers. Seldom are the websites optimized for search engine traffic, cannot be personalized and do not provide for gathering prospect names. If any one buys the product, the supplier gets the name, not the website owner. These schemes usually charge monthly fees which exceed any meager income that may be received.

So how is the newbie internet marketer going to succeed in grabbing a share of the tremendous potential of the World Wide Web? One way is to spend several years and thousands of dollars learning the techniques and acquiring the necessary software. The quicker, less expensive way is to find a supplier that understands what the newbie marketer needs and provides everything in a single, affordable package.

Look for a complete collection of all the tools needed, not just for building a website, but for automating all of the necessary steps to creating a viable business. It should include fully customizable websites with easy to understand instructions, split copy testing ability, traffic tracking capability, prospect name and email capture, integrated auto-responder systems, everything needed to actually operate your business on the internet. All you have to do is drive traffic to the site, and a good supplier will even help you do that.

Providing such a complete service is expensive, therefore very few suppliers go the extra mile to make sure you have all the tools needed for success. Examine every offer from these “make money easily” and “business in a box” type suppliers to make sure that they really do provide a complete business service and not just a lot of hype. Don’t be fooled, keep searching until you find the right source that will help you make money – not cost you money.


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