Android Admob 2021 is an exciting new year for mobile advertising. With the release of new ad formats and the introduction of display adaptive banner ads, Admob is set to provide a more engaging and effective way for advertisers to reach their target audiences.
Display adaptive banner ads are a new form of advertising that allows Admob to automatically adjust the size and placement of banners based on the device being used. This means that banners will be optimised for every type of screen, providing a better user experience and increasing the chances of conversion.
What’s more, Admob is now able to target users based on their location. So, if you’re an advertiser targeting people in the United States, your ad will only be displayed to users in that country. This ensures that your ad budget is spent in the most efficient way possible.
With these new features, Admob is poised to become the leading mobile advertising platform in 2021. If you’re an advertiser, now is the time to start using Admob to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.