Make Money Online COPYWRITING Affiliate Marketing Training – Keyword Rich Content Basics

Affiliate Marketing Training – Keyword Rich Content Basics

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To many, affiliate marketing training pays its greatest dividends when an internet marketer attains first page status, or, ideally, top ranking on the first page of a major search engine. Traffic generated in this manner is known as organic

What does this mean? When you conduct a search on the internet, you enter a word or phrase that you feel describes what you are looking for. After getting in the general area, you can sequentially become more specific until you find information that will provide you with answers. The websites at the top of this first page find themselves in a very favorable position for organic traffic generation.

How did they get there?

For this article, we will focus strictly on keywords … those same words that you entered into the search to arrive at that page. Keywords, or keyword phrases, are site specific text that the search engines are able to identify. Using a complex (and ever changing) formula, the search engine executed a search of available resources and provided you with a list of sites , from top to bottom, that best represent the solution to your specific search.

So, with this in mind, it is safe to say that the top sites on the first page provided the most keyword related results. Without straying too far from this concept, it needs to be said that the search engine results will also reflect sites directly linked to and similarly rich in the requested keywords. This fact is a key ingredient for the popularity and success of article marketing.

Lesson number 1 then becomes to incorporate relevant, keyword rich content on each of your sites. Don’t make this more difficult than it is … just think backwards. Compile a list of what you would enter into a search to arrive at your site. Then try those words individually, or in combination on a search engine, and note the results (on the page, there will be, say, 1 of 13,000). This tells you that you are looking at the first of 13,000 listings available for that particular inquiry.

Wow, 13,000 … there ain’t know way little ole you could possibly reach the first page, right? WRONG, and this is where you need to do your homework. Remember, the page ranking is not exclusively the result of your 1 site, but also the association with other sites with the same keywords, whether they are yours, or, linked to yours. For example, Google ranks sites 0-10 rated primarily on their popularity and traffic. If you published an article at Article Dashboar that was keyword rich in a smaller niche, (say 9,000), you could receive first page status based on Article Dashboard’s high page ranking (Google rank = 5). In effect, you were carried ‘piggy back’ to that ranking.

However, a word of caution. This example can be a bit of a paradox. It’s great to see your site on the first page … but is anybody searching for that page? Remember, the benefit that you’re seeking is generating organic traffic … not bragging rights. 🙂

Ok, don’t become overwhelmed. Everything that you need to research your keywords is right in front of you … the Internet. Search for keyword tool … 1 of 2.2 million. Keyword phrases 1 of 776K. Adword combinations … 1 of 54K. As you can see, there are plenty of tools to do your keyword research, and a lot of them are FREE.

Another great source for relevant keywords is your competitors. Click on several of the sites on the top page of your target niche. On your browser, click tools, view source. You will now see the html code for this site. Not too far down from the top, you will see Meta names = keywords and a listing of the keywords and phrases associated with this site. Make a list and compare it to your research results. Go – slow – and – be – thorough! Changing marketing trends and new products can turn a previously irrelevant word or phrase into a HOT keyword in a very short period of time. This practice is NOT unethical … everyone on the Internet can use this technique … you are NOT taking unfair advantage.

To gage your effectiveness of your keyword content … yes, do a search. Keyword analyzer … 1 of 192K. With this tool, you can paste your content onto a page, and you will be given a percentage for your desired keywords. Ideally, you are looking for 2 – 5% density. More IS NOT better … the search engines can actually penalize your site if they deem you are ‘padding’ your keywords. 🙁

Well, this should get you going in realizing the importance of keyword content when publishing to the net.

Get started … if you’re not providing proper keyword density, you’re just singing to an empty room!

Having just scratched the surface, visit the author’s website for your FREE copy of an excellent report regarding keywords and and other search engine optimization techniques.

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