Make Money Online FREELANCING Advantages Of Outsourcing Projects To India

Advantages Of Outsourcing Projects To India

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The Internet is swarming with copywriters, web designers, software experts, project consulting personnel, financial wizards, artists, scientists, technologists etc who are acting as freelance experts or what we normally call freelance service providers in net jargon. Apart from a few (though the number is growing rapidly) freelance consulting organizations or portals, the majority of people are operating on their own and a cut throat competition is no exception on the web. Sometimes an unhealthy strife can be noticed between service providers and this result in some sort of distress, not only to the freelancers but also service buyers – who many times fail to make the most out of the immense potential Internet has to offer. Over and above, several English speaking countries compete with each other to proverbially “bag the order” resulting in intense activity and communication that requires a large amount of bandwidth. Broadband connections are certainly helping in solving several communication problems.

India -that mysterious land with a lot to offer, other than one of the 7 wonders!

English as a second language, but many in India consider it as their first language due to centuries of using this world tongue! The dialects are many, just like in England. The composition could match or even surpass the best Oxford or Queen’s English! Thoughts and inspiration in excelling in words can make many writers (authors) freelance in the profession of composing words into ideas that “have legs”! The software industry can boast of developments that even Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, or Linus Torvalds’ penguin can give it a standing ovation. What more does one need in terms of a multitude of talent at an economic cost – affordable and professional – more than one bargained for! It is no longer a mystery, nor a magic rope trick that has brought India as a forerunner in the freelancing field. Catering to all who wish to correctly outsource their projects has become a by word to the millions of freelancers and freelance conglomerations in India.

The Pros & Cons of Outsourcing Projects to India

If one checks out any outsourcing or bidding portal like GAF, Elance, RAC, Scriptlance etc it will become clear that a large contribution is made by service providers from India. The results therefore speak for themselves. India does have a large population as such and subsequently the distribution of freelancers on various IT careers is also large! Mostly this is considered strength for any nation! Sometimes of course a few providers do create problems through unethical and thoughtless actions but then this is prevalent in many other nations of the world. On a majority basis the freelance population of India is very useful for not only the English speaking world but also those who are not so proficient in this language. Therefore the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and India is looked upon as a good outsourcing prospect.

How does India operate in the Outsourced Jobs?

There are some very large organizations in India who provide a compendium of services in the information technology field. They manage to pick up large jobs from other countries. However, a majority of freelancers work independently, working on smaller projects that really cannot be handled by very large corporate companies or conglomerates. The advantage of smaller freelancers is that they have a better turn around time and are surely more affordable. In the writing or copy writing field India does score pretty high in spite of English being a second language! Many young people work from home and are today fortunate to have broadband connections that make their freelance jobs easier. Payments modes are also more flexible these days so that money transfer is more viable and fast. These environmental conditions have given a good boost to the freelance trade in India.

Meta Description: India has great potential as a country for outsourcing all information technology projects. There are more advantages than disadvantages.

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