Make Money Online SEO A Beginner’s Guide to Do It Yourself Search Optimization

A Beginner’s Guide to Do It Yourself Search Optimization

A Beginner’s Guide to Do It Yourself Search Optimization post thumbnail image

Some start-up owners may choose to build or maintain their own websites, due to the tight constraints of a small business budget. These individuals often resort to “web site builder” tools they find online, however these tools are usually lacking in the most important area – search engine optimization or SEO!

In this article, basic search optimization techniques for beginners will be covered. We will focus on basic items that many “do it your self” web site builders may leave out of your site.

When creating a website on your own, it is important that each page has a proper title tag. In your “HTML” or “source code”, a title tag looks like this:

<title>My Web Page Title and Keywords</title>

This line of code must appear between the

<head> and </head> tags in your HTML files for each page. It is important that you include keywords relevant to your website content in your title tags. Also, it is important that your title tags are 70 characters or less, as search engines will not “read” more than the first ~70 characters.

Your title tags should be different on each page of your website. For example, if you are a retail clothing store, your home page title may be

<title>Women&#8217;s Designer Clothing and Accessories in Chicago</title> while another page on your site listing some of your merchandise may have a title tag that says “Sun Dresses, Tops, Jeans, and Accessories for Women”.

Another important piece of code to include in your HTML files is a “meta description” tag. Similar to the

<title> tag, this tag should be within your page header code. This tag should be formatted as follows:

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="<strong>Your descriptive sentences go here</strong>&#8220;>

You should replace the

<strong>Your descriptive sentences go here</strong> portion with one or two sentences describing the content on the page. It is important that you do not remove the quotation marks from the sample code shown above. Only change the content inside the CONTENT=”blah blah” area (shown here in bold).

It is a good idea to write different descriptions for each page on your website, so that search engines know the content on each page is unique.

Many web site builders do not allow users to customize the title and description tags we’ve discussed in this article on a page-by-page basis. If the site builder you are considering using does not allow you to customize these pieces of code for each page, it would be well advised to avoid using this software to build your website. At the very least, you should modify the “HTML Source Code” of each page to edit this information before publishing your site on the internet, if the website builder gives you source code access.

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