Spa Sled Mover

Spa Sled Mover post thumbnail image

Price: $574.99

The spa sled mover helps you easily move a spa, hot tub, refrigerator, furniture, big screen TV, wood stove, pellet stove, generator and other big, heavy stuff. The spa mover can be rolled into a small compact bundle and easily stored. It is small enough for one person to carry. The mover can be stored in a car trunk or on a shelf in a service truck. When fully unrolled the mover measures 120 inches (10 feet) long and 48inches (4 feet) wide. You can use the mover to pull a spa weighing up to 1000 pounds.
small enough for one person to carry, can be rolled into compact bundle
can be stored in a car trunk or on a shelf in a service truck
fully unrolled the mover measures 120 inches long and 48 inches wide
can be used to move objects weighing up to 1000lbs
Price: $574.99

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