The watch is perfect for a child. It’s not too fancy, it’s not overly distracting. For what it is, it’s pretty good. I bought it for my son for the pedometer and it’s pretty accurate. I do like that you can track their sleep as my son wakes up at night and wanders around the house at night. You don’t need the app to see daily readings but if you want to look at a historical trend, you have to download the app.
The watch does connect to your phone via Bluetooth so make sure you uncheck some features such as text messages. Your child can see your messages if you keep this on. If they have their own phone, it might be a plus so they can see a message on their watch rather than taking their phone out.
The battery can last a solid 4 days with 24 hour use before I feel the need to charge it. The usb charger is unique so don’t lose it.
You can change watch faces but since it manufactured outside of the US, it’s date reads as DD/MM and not MM/DD as we’re accustomed here. But to its defense, that’s how the rest of the world works and we’re the weird one in everyone else’s eyes. I only bring this up because it may confuse some kids.
The strap is my only concern as there are no replacement bands that I can find. I don’t know if this was done on purpose. This is my second one since my son’s first band broke after 10 months of use. The silicone didn’t tear, it was actually the metal clip. I could have found a replacement online for that but for the price, i just ordered another one and kept the new watch piece aside for a backup.
So, if you want to see how your child will do with a “smart” watch, this is a good starter watch.