The BrosTrend WiFi 6 AX3000 gives you three options: WiFi Extender, WiFi to Ethernet adapter, or an Access Point using WiFi 6. The AX3000 comes with very good documentation describing how to configure each option. There is not an option to use the AX3000 as a router.
I set up the BrosTrend WiFi 6 AX3000 as an Access Point. Configuring the AX3000 was very easy. All I had to do was plug the Ethernet cable into the 1 Gigabit port on the AX3000 from the switch and plug it into an available outlet. You can then access the web interface to configure the AX3000 as an Access Point. Once configured you can then access the web interface from any browser on the network.
I love that the Ethernet port it on the side of the BrosTrend WiFi 6 AX3000. This way the Ethernet cable does not interfere with the outlet below like others I have seen where the Ethernet port is on the bottom. The AX3000 only consumes one outlet. I have seen others where the size alone interferes with using the other outlet. The AX3000 is a very nice size.
The BrosTrend WiFi 6 AX3000 puts out a very strong signal and seems to penetrate walls and other obstacles very nicely. You should have solid WiFi in a good sized radius.
I took away a star due to the minimal web interface used to interact with the AX3000. There are lots of features missing from the web interface including the ability to configure the width and channel of the WiFi. It does automatically select the band and channel it uses. No firewall. No parental controls. The web interface gives very minimal options. Hopefully the firmware will be updated to give more control of the settings.
At the time of this review the BrosTrend WiFi 6 AX3000 was selling for $79.99 with a 10% Coupon which brings the price down to $71.99. I normally don’t say much about prices, but this cost is a little steep in my humble opinion. It does perform very well, gives you lots of installation options, and seems to be built very well. As mentioned, the web interface provides very minimal setting adjustments. But it does seem to do very well determining the best settings or settings that will work. So if you are someone who just wants something to plug in with very minimal configuration, the AX3000 would for sure be a great choice.