Our toddler loved this so much! She took it to the zoo, where she had to share with her playmates, who are all toddlers and also loved it so much. She also took it camping and basically had it next to her day-and-night during our inaugural family camping trip.
It is so light and surprisingly sturdy. Several kids had it around their necks and only griped when they had to relinquish their turn. The thin, but soft rope seems comfortable. It does not leave a mark on the kids, but they only had it for less than 10 minutes each. The purple that we got was bright, but not in-your-face so both boys and girls loved to use it. The little knob that focuses the lenses were fun for the toddlers to use too.
The only downside is that annoying plastic piece that holds the strings together. It comes off more times than I’d like, but it actually screws together quick enough.
The lenses are close together (enough for a small head that is not an adult’s), so I couldn’t gauge the clarity of them. But, all the kids loved it and actually saw things that we didn’t.
All in all, a very worthy purchase if you think of it as a toy and a first-step for young adventurers.