UPDATE (6/11/2023):
As of 7/13/2023, the display is DEAD. Nothing shows up. It cannot be used to tell the time or to check on my steps, although it does still report everything to the app that it did when the display worked (except sleep recording is still wonky).
Now I need to buy another tracker.
UPDATE (6/11/2023):
And my sleep is still not recorded if I go to bed after 3:00AM. Went to sleep earlier last night, about 1:30AM, and all I get 2 hours after waking up is No Data.
Pulse is recorded as below 50 on my pulse oximeter, but this app usually says it is in the 70s. Taking my pulse using a stopwatch results in BPM in line with the pulse oximeter.
The app could be updated to report accurately the pulse and the sleep, but it has not happened. I am looking for a replacement that might be reporting accurately.
UPDATE (9/20/2022):
So the app was updated last week, and suddenly my steps and pulse were being displayed, although my pulse is inaccurate because it’s higher than when I count my pulse using a stopwatch for 60 seconds.
If I go to sleep at 3:00 AM, sleep is not recorded. If I turn over at 4:30 AM, even though I went to sleep at 1:00 AM, my sleep is recorded at though I slept only from 4:30 AM.
It does keep time accurately, and it records steps (well, arm movement), so I keep wearing it.
UPDATE (7/30/2022):
Data were not being reported or recorded so I Uninstalled the app from my phone (Android).
After leaving the tracker for a while (maybe the battery ran down until it could not send any info to an app that had been removed), I was finally able to re-install the H Band app.
Now my sleep is being recorded. Steps are also reported … but not recorded. The tracker itself keeps up with the date, time, steps and displays my heart rate. BUT … the app continues to display No Data for the Pedometer and the Heart Rate.
I am considering using only the LETSCOM tracker, the first one I owned. Or maybe I will buy an iWatch.
UPDATE (4/9/2022):
Again, sleep data is incomplete. Turned over at 5am so everything from 1am up to 5am is ignored.
And WTH is this “hidden by Sensitivity Filter” junk? It makes NO SENSE!!!
UPDATE (2/17/2022):
Cannot rely on the sleep record since only the sleep after the last ‘turning over’ is recorded for the night. Went to bed at 1:00AM, arose at 7:00AM. Only sleep from 4:45AM till 7:00AM is recorded. The almost 4 hours prior to turning over is GONE. Anyone wanting to record sleep data can forget this tracker.
Perhaps it is the app – H Band – that is the real problem.
UPDATE (1/14/2022):
1. If you buy ANY of these fitness trackers, CLEAN (as in STERILIZE) the band and the back of the tracker with some 90% isopropanol on a paper towel. I will not post a photo of what it did to my wrist due to some people being squeamish, but I had to clean my wrist and apply a bandage with an antibiotic for a week.
2. And if you get up at night to take the dog out or to go to the bathroom, the sleep recording is flawed in that ONLY the sleep after you return to bed is recorded. Last night I was asleep at 10:45 but was up at 5:15 for 5 minutes. Only the 2 hours after I returned to bed were recorded, so the tracker says ‘Sleep Quality bad’ because the previous 6 ½ hours are not included.
3. I wrote “The date is correct without logging in to the H Band app.” However, the app has to be given ‘permission’ to get it activated so that the date AND time will be updated. I had to re-install the app before it would work and provide the data.
4. This is much preferred over the much more expensive fitbit. The band broke on my wife’s fitbit, and then the charging connection (a pitiful design) broke. She now has a better fitness tracker (although not this model).
INITIAL REVIEW (12/29/2021):
The display is good.
The date is correct without logging in to the H Band app.
BP, Steps, heart rate all can be accessed without the H Band app.
Unfortunately, the privacy policy does not accept my ‘agreement’ and seems stuck in a loop to ‘agree’, so I have no access to the app.
After reading the privacy policy, I would not want to provide my email address; already I get too much spam. That should not be necessary to use the other features. I cannot set the time.
Is this designed for small people? The watch band is a bit short.