Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION 5 Surefire Ways New Network Marketers Can Get Off To A Fast Start

5 Surefire Ways New Network Marketers Can Get Off To A Fast Start

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After you have been introduced to your company, signed up, have your product or service now you are ready to conquer the world. Well…not quite! Below I want to share some things with you that should help you get off to a fast start.

1. Jump All The Way In – Commitment is under rated, but very important to the success of anything we undertake. Your new business opportunity is no different; and you cannot have an attitude that you are going to stick your toe in the water and give it a test. If you signed up, go for it, no holding back. Also be excited and have good energy, people around you will notice and be drawn to you with curiosity. That curiosity will lead to sales and new recruits.

2. Become A Student Of Network Marketing Not Your Product – Although it is important to know your product or service, and you should. Most network marketers focus too much on their company and products without understanding the network marketing industry. Here is my point, if you were interested in going into the hamburger business, do you think it is more important for you to know how to cook a Big Mac or study the fast food industry and learn all that is necessary to market the Big Mac?

3. 5 Penny Rule – Set your goals and complete them every day. I have two main things I do each day, prospect for new business and recruit new team members. One thing I do to help stay on track is use the 5 penny rule. I take 5 pennies and place them all in one pocket. I call on 5 businesses and 5 new prospects a day. Each time I talk to a new person I place one penny in the other pocket. When I’ve moved all the pennies from one pocket to the other my day is complete.

4. Attend All Company Events – To get off to the fastest start possible it is imperative you attend all company webinar trainings, conference calls and live events. This goes back to step one above you have to jump all the way in. This also shows you as a leader and your down line will follow your lead and your team will be solid.

5. Get A Lead Generation System – Most companies still teach the old methods of recruiting and frankly that stuff does not work. There is just too much technology today for you not to invest in a lead generation system and learn how to market your business online. This goes back to step number two above and really demands you become a student of the network marketing industry if you want to have a successful business.

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