Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC 4 Tips to Drive Internet Traffic to Your Website from Social Networking Sites

4 Tips to Drive Internet Traffic to Your Website from Social Networking Sites

4 Tips to Drive Internet Traffic to Your Website from Social Networking Sites post thumbnail image

Every webmasters love traffic and like it to flood as much into their website because the more traffic they received, the more potential revenue they are going to generate out of it. But traffic generation is hard especially for new webmasters and internet marketers. Many webmasters failed in their online businesses mainly due to insufficient traffic to generate enough conversion for revenue.

Don’t let this happen to you, you should smartly use the available resources to continue generate enough traffic to your website and social networking can be one of the resources for free internet traffic. Here are 4 tips to drive free internet traffic from those popular social networking sites.

Tip #1: Become the Member of Popular Social Networking Sites

Social networking is the key player today’s web 2.0 world where people around the internet meet and create relationships with each others. There are many social networking sites and you might not be able to join all of them, but you must not miss out the popular social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook & Friendster. MySpace is one other bigger social networking site with over 70 million visitors and 9 million members. With such a huge potential market for you online business, you can’t afford to exclude MySpace from your marketing plan. If your MySpace profile gets notice by MySpace visitors and members, imagine how your website will be flooded with free internet traffic.

Tip #2: Create Professional & Nice Member Profile

If you want people to trust you and follow links to your website to buy what you are selling at your website, you should create a professional member profile. There are many nice templates available on internet which specially designed for certain social networking site and best of all is most of these templates are free. Replace the default theme with your selected template so that your profile looks outstanding.

Don’t overlook the writing of your member profile, because people who do not know you and when they land at your profile page of the social networking sites. Your informative and well written profile may drive them to visit your website for further information.

Tip #3: Get Trusted By Building Relationships with Other Social Sites’ Members

Social networking site like MySpace allows you to add up to 450 new friends to your friend list. Use such feature provided by social networking site to build your prospect list and grow it every day. A good relationship with your prospects will help you to drive more traffic to your website because you could invite them to visit your website or refer your product to their friends.

Tip #4: Use Video to Broadcast & Get Notice

YouTube, the most popular video sharing site is the best place to broadcast and get noticed. You either share your own videos with the YouTube community or you could make a Video Blog (one of YouTube feature) with the collection of other people videos that look interesting to you and share it to other members. You should see traffic flood in to your website after some time because people who visit your VBlog at YouTube may want to get further information about your website and they will follow the links at your YouTube profile and land at your website.

In Summary

Internet traffic is important to any internet marketer and you can drive tons of free internet traffic if you know how to use the advantages of the popular Web 2.0 resources: the social networking sites to flood your website with traffic.

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