Make Money Online BANNERS 3 Step Formula to Making "Display Advertising" Profitable (So You Can Make More Money Online)

3 Step Formula to Making "Display Advertising" Profitable (So You Can Make More Money Online)

3 Step Formula to Making "Display Advertising" Profitable (So You Can Make More Money Online) post thumbnail image

You see display advertisements all over the web, and you’ve probably even considered, should you be using banner ads for your online marketing efforts?
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Well, the answer is yes. And the reason it’s yes is because banner ads, if they don’t clicks, they don’t cost much, right? In other words, if everyone’s doing banner advertising and they’re not getting a lot of results, then the cost typically goes down. Think of it as supply and demand. If the cost is so high because the conversions suck, no one’s gonna be using it. Because they don’t convert as well, banner ads typically have a really low cost per impression or a low cost per click.

Now, when you’re using banner ads, there’s a few simple strategies that you should follow.

#1 Create banner ads for your remarketing campaigns
What remarketing is is when someone comes to your website and they don’t buy, you can remarket them so when they’re browsing the web, they can start seeing adverts all related to your product and services. This is a great way to make money online.

#2 Make sure you rotate up your creatives often
People have banner blindness. If you keep showing the same ad over and over again, what’s gonna happen? No one’s gonna click them. Try to rotate up your banners at least once per week. This will enable them to get way more clicks. So when you’re paying per every thousand impressions, by rotating them up you’re gonna continually get more and more clicks.

#3: Make sure whatever messaging you put within your banner ad is congruent to your landing page
For example, if on your banner you’re offering discounts, make sure you emphasize that discount on your landing page. You can cross off the original amount and then put the discounted price on the landing page. It’s a simple way to be like, “Oh, this company offered me X, Y, and Z, “and then they’re even giving it to me “and showing it to me on the landing page.”

By following those tips and strategies and even doing banner ads, you’ll start generating more income and more sale online. That’s the best way to learn how to earn money online.

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