Make Money Online VIDEO MARKETING 2016 Steubenville Youth Conference Promo Video – "Thirst"

2016 Steubenville Youth Conference Promo Video – "Thirst"

2016 Steubenville Youth Conference Promo Video – "Thirst" post thumbnail image

The Steubenville Youth Conference is a yearly event that brings together Catholic teenagers from all over the world to learn about their faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The conference is a four-day event that includes talks, workshops, prayer, and Mass.

This year’s conference was held from July 26-29 and focused on the theme of “Thirst.” The keynote speaker, Bishop Robert Barron, spoke about the spiritual thirst that all people experience and how Jesus is the only one who can quench that thirst.

The conference also featured a promo video called “Thirst.” The video was created by the Steubenville Youth Conference team and features teenagers from all over the world talking about their faith and what the conference means to them.

The video has been viewed over 1.5 million times on YouTube and has been shared on social media by people all over the world. It is a beautiful and inspiring look at the Steubenville Youth Conference and the Catholic faith.

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