Make Money Online COPYWRITING 10-Day Copywriting FAST Challenge. Day 9: Subject lines and Headlines That Get YOU To Act!

10-Day Copywriting FAST Challenge. Day 9: Subject lines and Headlines That Get YOU To Act!

10-Day Copywriting FAST Challenge. Day 9: Subject lines and Headlines That Get YOU To Act! post thumbnail image

Day 9 of my FAST – and coming down to the wire CopyStar! Am I gonna make it! You BETTER Believe It! And so will YOU on YOUR 10-Day Copy Fast Challenge! We’re going to be WINNERS Together!

I just LOVE my acupuncture treatments. I feel so GOOD afterwards. LOTS of ENERGY and MENTAL confidence!

Still got sluggish bowels – so Dr. Chung performed this treatment to “stimulate” my bowels – and it TICKLED so much that I could barely finish it! Just kept cracking up laughing! I tell you all about it in the video!

So – I’ve definitely had some funny and memorable moments!

Rest of day went well. Feeling VERY creative! Brain is working great! Lost 10 pounds! And on Day 9 – I woke up with LOTS of energy! Love that!

Ok – enough about me! It’s time for YOUR Day 9 Challenge!

Today – I want you to think about a headline or subject line that got you to ACT! Yep – it was so good – it worked!

Why did you ACT? What stopped you in your tracks to pay attention?

This is a very important exercise! Why?

Because you’ve got to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes! And when you can do that – your writing naturally moves to a natural conversational level that appeals to your prospect! You will CONNECT better – and get more SALES!

So share now in the comment section! What headline or subject line got YOU to click a button…place an order…or ACT!

Wanna know a subject line that REALLY works for me CopyStar?

It’s a “How To” subject line! I get more open rates from my CopyStar ezine posts using this type of headline! Also – using “celebrities” in the industry like Clayton Makepeace…Gary Bencivenga…or Bob Bly spike my open rates!

OK – let me see your comments now! And remember: I’ve got all episodes of this 10-Day Copywriting Fast Challenge in a playlist for easy viewing! Just click ONE button and you can watch them all! Pretty cool, right?

0:00 Intro
0:20 Day 9 Update with Dr. Chung, acupuncturist
0:42 “Tickling” Treatment to Stimulate Bowels
2:00 Feeling Creative Throughout the Day!
2:30 FULL of ENERGY! Woo Hoo!
3:10 Lost 10 Pounds!
3:35 YOUR Day 9 Challenge: A subject line that got you to ACT
4:18 BE Your Prospect!
4:50 A Powerful tool in your copywriting arsenal
5:20 Comment now – I want to hear from you!
5:47 My Powerful Subject Line is…
6:10 Personalities and Celebrities Get Higher Open Rates!
6:32 A Sample of a Control That’s in the Mail Now!
7:11 A Recap of Today’s Day 9 Challenge!

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